Kate Bosworth appealed to those who criticize actors: "We have much less power than you think"


Not so long ago, Kelly Marie Tran became the next victim from Heyters, the actress from the film "Star Wars: Last Jedies". Her character's fans of Sagi were unbelievable that Tren had to leave social networks due to the negative wave and even threats to their address. For Kate Bosworth, it seems that it became the last straw, because the actress decided to publicly enjoy the swollen fans.

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Kate once again reminded that the actor has no responsibility for the final result, nor the opportunity to somehow influence it:

"If in some project you are limited only to the position of the actor, you do not have absolutely no control over the end result. You played your role and confident that something awesome, worthy of "Oscar" - and then it turns out that this is some Frankenstein, "stitched" from what has been captured, and the reasons can be the most different. "

Kate noted that it was for this reason - to control what, in fact, films are obtained in which it is removed - she founded its own production company Make Pictures Productions. Now the actress does not just play movies, but also manages the process, removing "movies that really mean something and can change something," according to her own words.

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