James Gann shared his frames and funny facts about his first film.


James Gunn is known to everyone as the author of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" and the upcoming "suicide squad 2", but few know that earlier he had a weakness to horror movies. On the eve, the director shared in his Instagram a whole selection of personnel from his debut work - Horror "Sliznyak".

James Gann shared his frames and funny facts about his first film. 24138_1

Ribbon, as the official description says, tells "about a small town, captured by aliens who turn people into zombies and all sorts of monsters and mutants." In the "Slug", by the way, the actors with which Hann is happy to work with pleasure still. This, for example, Michael Rukchera ("Guardians of the Galaxy"), Nathan Phillion ("Self-suicide 2") and Elizabeth Banks ("Gori, Gori clearly").

James Gann shared his frames and funny facts about his first film. 24138_2

James himself noted that the film "was not a hit (if not to say more)", but because of the good reviews and the fact that many viewers he liked, "Sliznyak" became the "beginning of a big career". Also, the director thanked Horror for the fact that thanks to him "met many wonderful people who still have close friends."

James Gann shared his frames and funny facts about his first film. 24138_3

And if in Instagram Gunn limited himself to snapshots of the "Sliznyaka" characters, which generally cause only the question "What does it happen here", then in Twitter, he turned out to be more talkative and shared a whole series of funny facts related to the film.

James Gann shared his frames and funny facts about his first film. 24138_4

For example, the director remembered how the runer decided to show his dexterity and fulfilled several karate techniques in front of the film crew, breaking his glasses at the same time. And one of the scenes was under the threat of a breakdown due to the fact that the heroine could not properly delete blood flows on the character Tanya Solna. As a result, five sweatshirts out of six were blocked, but at the last moment the episode was still turned out to be as conceived.

James Gann shared his frames and funny facts about his first film. 24138_5

He remembered Gunn and about Banks, noting how funny she tried to clear the way to the book, so as not to be injured about the shards of the glass when he was depicted from a terrible monster. When the director told her that it looks funny, she exclaimed:

You suppress my self-expression!

On this, however, James quite logically objected that it was about his self-expression.

In reserve, Gann had cute memories. He said that two small actresses at the end of the filming presented him with a special reward, which he was depicted in the director's chair.

She still stands on my bookshelf!

- admitted James. As well as gratefully noted how patiently scattered and quick-tempered manwear survived in his uncomfortable, cumbersome grima.

James Gann shared his frames and funny facts about his first film. 24138_6

Yes, "Sliznyaka" may not call the masterpiece of world cinema, but on the "suicide quivering" for fans of big plans. If everything goes shape, as conceived, the film starts in cinemas in August 2021.

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