Elizabeth Banks complained about the condemnation of society for giving birth to a surrogate mother


Recently, Elizabeth Banks gave an interview in which he told how Mom became with the help of surrogate motherhood. The actress stated that he could not bear children due to problems with infertility. As the star put it, she "broke the tummy." At the same time, Elizabeth feels condemnation by the party for the fact that it took advantage of the service of a surrogate mother. Now Banks is married to Max Gendelman and raises two sons - eight-year-old Felix and Seven-year-old Magnus.

People judge me and do not understand my choice. But I do not think that I must explain to everyone. If my story helps someone to feel less lonely, I am grateful for it,

- said Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Banks complained about the condemnation of society for giving birth to a surrogate mother 24140_1

At the same time, the mother of two children successfully builds a career - starring into the cinema and herself acts as director. She recently finished work on the new Angels Charlie. According to Banks, it is not afraid to combine motherhood and career. Moreover, it combines it literally.

I like to involve children in the work. I am not afraid to seem like a working mother. My mother also worked, and she instilled an incredible employment ethics. On the set, I have an open policy regarding the raising of children, I do not separate them from work. These are all old stereotypes. I take sons on shooting and showing other women that it is so possible and that it is normal. I throw all the rules because I want to be with my children,

- says Banks.

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