Gary Oldman on the show Jimmy Kimmel


Jimmy is not very well familiar with British traditions. He believes that for Valentine's Day, the British are dressed up with dolphins and are thrown by Marshm. Visually demonstrate this leading helped a real Briton Gary Oldman. In a ridiculous and funny song Soon: "For Valentine's Day, we run on the beach sand to see Danny Dolphin and hear his voice. He is a tricky, merry, and not to get bored with him. All day you can eat moisters on his knees." Well, Gary got these lines: "I am Danny Dolphinchik, a candy valentine! I throw marsfire kids! Chocolate fountain pours out of my breathing hole!"

After this sketch, Gary told how he brings up his children: "He is already adults enough to watch my films, but I wouldn't want it. I'm trying to introduce them with great movies. They look" Rocky and Bullinkle's Adventures "or" Acquaintance with For the beliefs "... I tried to explain to them that Robert de Niro is the greatest actor, but they saw him only in Bullinkle. So I showed the" taxi driver ". Now they hang his posters, and on Ringtone phones with a famous replica "Are you talking to me?" Bullinkle is defeated! "

At the end of the interview, Garya showed his parody of Robert de Niro, which was so admired.

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