Mighty woman: Helen Mirren told how the bear was driven


The Sag Awards ceremony was completed at night - the US Fine Actors Guild Prize. The event was fully in the online format. One of the guests of the ceremony, declared nominees, became Helen Mirren, who also entertained the public with funny stories.

A 75-year-old actress told that he held a quarantine in Nevada, where she was lucky to meet a wild bear during this time. "It was so interesting to see the bear, but still this is a wild animal, it is impossible to allow him to get acquainted with a person. I told him: "Go, Playful Bear! Go! "And he left," Helen shared.

This time the Sag Awards ceremony took place in remote format: without guests and a red carpet. The date of the event was postponed twice: in January it was transferred due to coronavirus, and then due to the fact that it coincided with the Grammy ceremony. All speeches of actors and ad laureates Sag Awards were recorded in advance, that is, the winners of the awards learned about the results a few days before the ceremony itself.

In the nomination "Best Acting" defeated the film "Court of Chicago Seven", a prize for the best male role was awarded the samp of Boxesman for work in "Ma Riii: Mother Blues", and his colleague Viool Davis got a premium for the best female role.

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