Tom Holland would like to receive Kameo in Euphoria


Euphoria immediately after the debut in 2019 became an absolute hit, hitting the audience an open conversation on topics that are infrequently affected in films and shows about school life. The main role in the series got Zende, and her game was as impressed by critics that she later received Emmy for the best female role. It is already known that fans are waiting for the continuation of the story, but for now the actress is removed in the "Spider Man: There is no way home," and, as it turned out, the star franchise Tom Holland (Peter Parker) dreams of merging these so unlike projects.

In a recent interview to the Collider edition, the actor asked, in which series he would like to appear as a guest star, and Tom admitted that it was literally joking on this topic with his friends.

"I would like to be in Euphoria, but with Jacob Batalon. I would like us to be in the background of one of the scenes with Zenday, simply because these two are my best friends and I would like to do with them anything. But I also like this show, so it would be good to become part of it, "Holland said.

Euphoria is known for his gloomy tone, and if there really suddenly appeared Holland and Batalon, it would definitely add the stories of bright colors. Even if the stars would be marked in a serious stage, the audience probably would not have been held from parallels with a "man-spider man", and this would be a funny reference to the friendship of actors. Although no one doubts that both Jacob are able to appear in serious roles.

By the way, a criminal drama "on inclined" was released on the screens, in which Holland played a major role, and many critics noted the depth of his reincarnation. So it would probably be without difficulty to adjust the dark aesthetics of "Euphoria".

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