Matthew McConahi launched his own channel on YouTube and already managed to record the first video


In the world, captured by a pandemic, the stars discover all the new opportunities to stay in touch with fans, and Matthew McConaja ("This Detective", "Dallas Club of Buyers") did not exception. The actor launched his own YouTube Channel and has already published the first video, which conquered the fans at once for several reasons.

McConahi began video, repeating: "Good, good. Okay". This is how the hero of his debut film "Under the buzz and confusion" said, and the long-standing artist fans immediately caught this parallel. It seems that the star laid the foundation for a new project, which may be as interesting as his career.

Matthew told in the video, which the audience should be expected from his channel, and some of these promises are enough for the number of subscribers to grow in their eyes. According to the actor, he is going to openly talk about what will work on one or another, share stories and give life advice, or, as McConaehi himself calls, "Life Recipes".

By the way, this is not the first passion of the star besides the film. He acts as a face and creative director of the Wild Turkey distiller plant, and also actively engaged in charity. And these interests will surely be reflected in the rollers of his YouTube channel. At the moment, McConaah has about 350 thousand subscribers.

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