Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson sacrifice blood for a coronavirus vaccine


After recovery from Coronavirus, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson decided to participate in the fight against the pandemic. In a recent interview for Podcast NPR Wait Wait ... DON'T TELL ME! Tom said that he and his wife sacrifice her blood for the development of a vaccine. The actor also offered the option as this vaccine can be called.

Before us was the question: and what now? Is there something that we could do? And so we learned that we have antibodies. My wife and I yourself volunteered: "Do you need our blood? Maybe we will give the plasma? " We will surrender it where they are engaged in the development of the vaccine. Which I would have called Hankscine (HANKS-CCINE) if successful

Said an actor.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson sacrifice blood for a coronavirus vaccine 24222_1

Hanks also talked about him with his wife's wife:

Now we feel wonderful. During the disease we had all typical symptoms of influenza. Rita was a little worse, she had a very high temperature. But we were isolated to not transfer the virus to anyone.

Spouses first told that they had a positive test result for Coronavirus, March 11, when they were in Australia. There Hanks was on the set. After a two-week quarantine in Australia, a couple returned to Los Angeles.

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