Wick of Chopra and Nick Jonas will announce the nominees of the Oscar Prize


The pleasant of Chopra told subscribers in his Instagram-profile that they with the spouse nickname Jonas will announce the nominees to the Oscar's annual filmmaker. Complete list of applicants for gold statues. Viewers will be able to learn 15 March, and the ceremony itself will be held on April 25. "Is there a chance that I can declare nominees to" Oscar "alone? Jack! Love you, nickname! We are pleased to announce the nominees in the live broadcast, "wrote a pleasant in his social network under a video, in which he says:" Name the nominees to "Oscar", without calling them! "

Oscar will be broadcast live in more than 225 countries around the world. Because of the pandemic, the ceremony was postponed from the end of February at the end of April. This time the organizers are planning to conduct an event of offline in compliance with the protection measures present.

Because of the outbreak of coronavirus films released on cutting services, will participate in the nomination for the first time in the history of the film. Also known about some changes in nominations this year. For example, the rules for selecting applicants for the nomination "Best Music To Film" are changed: now in the film should be at least 60% of the original music, and in the franchises and sequels at least 80% of new music.

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