"Voices sounded in the head": Lily Collins spoke about the disorder of food behavior


The actress, model and writer Lily Collins frankly admitted that it was fought with a disorder of food behavior, in an interview for a subcaster Make It Reign. In a conversation with the leading project, Josh Smith, a 31-year-old actress said: "I allowed these dark thoughts to dictate, how to live my life that there is or not there and what restrictions to impose on yourself." The star of the film "Emily in Paris" admitted that many years were forced to resort to the help of psychotherapists to realize that the reasons for her disorder that appeared in youth, "no longer belong to it today.

Actress's "simple positive things that make happy" helped cope with the actress disease. The celebrity has suffered anorexia for a long time, to completely get rid of which could only be 25 years old. "In my head, the voices sounded, who drowned the mind and my inner voice," Lily shared. A big role in her healing, according to Collins, played her current chief Charlie McDaull.

The actress told that only thanks to the friendship and love of loved ones and her chosen one could become the "best version of herself." The viewers of the project Lily also advised to get rid of any hunger, be it emotional or physical to live a full life.

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