Selena Gomez, Lily Collins and Montelin Petsh Awarded Animal Protection Organization PETA


The organization PETA ("People for Ethical Animal Treatment") unveiled the names of the laureates of their annual libby awards. It is awarded to companies, brands and celebrities for humane attitudes towards animals and support for the ideas of PETA real affairs and actions.

This year the laureates in the category "Heroes" became Selena Gomez, Lizzo, Miguel Bernardo, Montaid Petsh, Lily Collins and Grayson Dollaan.

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Singer and actress Selena Gomez was noted for creating and developing their own brand of Rare Beauty cosmetics, which is not tested on animals and does not contain ingredients of animal origin. Actress Lily Collins received a prize for the fact that during self-insulation took from the shelter of PSA Redford. And Maiden Petche was awarded for his profile in Instagram in defense of wild animals, which was subscribed to 21 million network users.

Lizzo rap performer has paid attention to the organization of vegan culinary recipes, which demonstrates on the video in Tiktok. Actor Miguel Bernardo became the hero of Peta for the fact that he starred in social advertising "Boycotte Seaworld", in which she declares that the tales and dolphins should live in the ocean, and not in captivity. And Blogger Grayson Dollane was noted for the most inspiring Act of kindness towards animals, after he said that he was sowing in Lake Duckling.

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