The legendary musician Eddie Van Halen died in 65 years


On Tuesday morning, the legendary guitarist and the co-founder of the rock band Van Halen Eddie Van Halen died. The musician was 65, for several years he fought with throat cancer. Rocker's death told his son Wolfgang in his Twitter.

I can not believe that I have to write it, but my father, Edward Wan Halen, lost his long and difficult battle with cancer. He was the best father, what I could only dream of. Every moment that I spent with him on stage and outside it was a real gift. My heart is broken, and I do not think that someday will be remembered from this loss. I love you very much, dad,

- Posted Wolfgang.

A source close to Van Halen said that the health of the guitarist deteriorated sharply over the past three days and that Cancer "spread to all its bodies." Eddie Janie Leshevsky's wife, his son and the former wife Valerie Burtellley were in the hospital with Van Chalen at the time of his death.

The legendary musician Eddie Van Halen died in 65 years 24555_1

Van Halen struggled with the throat cancer for more than 10 years, in 2002 after two years of treatment he managed to defeat the cancer of the tongue. Last year, he fell into hospital with intestinal problems after a bad reaction to cancer treatment.

Eddie Van Halen founded the Van Halen group along with her brother Alex in 1972. In 2007, the group was included in the Rock and Roll Fame Hall. And the Rolling Stone magazine included Van Halena to the list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time.

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