And not ashamed: Jim Carrey said goodbye to melania Trump hard caricature


Canadian-American actor, comedian and producer Jim Carrey decided to spend the outgoing "worst first lady" with a brutal animation caricature, which ends with the words "Thank you for nothing."

In one of the latest publications in Twitter, the actor laid out the non-pawful cartoon portrait of the former First Lady of the United States, in the signature to which she says goodbye to her. Also, the message slipped a hint that melania could soon become the "Third Former Wife" Trump.

The comic fans ambiguously treated tough criticism in the caricature, many even got up to the side of melania: "It's absolutely terribly to attack the first lady, who performed her work gracefully and worthy, and did not get anything but criticism from all the others. It is ashamed that no woman from the side of the Democrats protected another woman from these unfounded attacks. "

The rest fell on the side of Joe Bayiden's new president, as they considered disrespect that Chet Trump refused to attend the inauguration of the 46th chapter of the state.

By the way, Jim Kerry is no longer for the first time expressing attitudes towards representatives of power in the form of cartoons. So, on the day of the pogrom in the capitol, the actor shared the way the Trmpa shown by the "evil clown killer", and criticized him for trying to "kill the truth and use ignorance as a weapon."

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