On the garbage: Rihanna told Trump on the day of the inauguration of the new president


On the day of the inauguration of the 46th president of the United States, a representative of the Democratic Party of Joseph Biden, the singer Rihanna posted an original photo in Instagram.

The star appeared in clothes for homely trouble - free blue shirt and similar underwear, only bright pink sandals somewhat revived a frame in dark colors.

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The singer holds two large bags with garbage in her hands, on her T-shirt there is a well-distinguishable inscription "END RASIST", which can be translated as "end / final / fiasco racist".

The Republican Donald Trump and previously subjected to hard trolling on the part of Rihanna, for example, she warmly welcomed the eternal blocking of his account on Twitter.

At this time, the singer signed the photo of the #Wediditjoe Hesteg - "We did it, Joe." It was with such words that the new Vice-President of the United States Camalla Harris was applied to Joseph Biden after the completion of the counting of votes and political victory over Donald Trump.

With his post, Rihanna encourages as soon as possible to get rid of the Heritage of Trump, sending him to the garbage. The first decrees of J. Baiden as President of the United States comply with this wish.

The new chapter of the American state on the day of its inauguration ceased the construction of the wall in the Mexican border, removed the ban on immigration of the inhabitants of Muslim countries in the United States, decided to return to the observance of the Paris Climate Agreement, the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms with Russia and the US Partnership with the World Health Organization.

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