People's Artist Alexander Nazarova died


The cause of death was polyorgan deficiency, which occurred due to the long lung disease. According to Nazarova's close, she was in the hospital from July, was connected to the apparatus of artificial respiration and periodically fell into someone. Unfortunately, improving the state was not foreseen.

People's Artist Alexander Nazarova died 24777_1

Alexandra Nazarova served for a long time at the Moscow Theater named after Yermolova.

This is an unlimited loss not only for our theater, but also for all Russian art. Rogged a star. Truly folk

- It is written on the theater website in the official statement of the death of the actress. About the date and time funeral will be announced later.

Recall that Nazarova starred in more than a hundred filmmakers, among the most famous "crews", "love with privileges" and "Winter Roman". In addition, Alexander Ivanovna voiced in Russian dubling many characters - Duckling Billy from the animated series "Duck stories", Laverna from the cartoon "Horbun from Notre Dama", the main character from the French film "Toy" and many others.

The personal life of the artist was not so successful as a professional. Two marriages Nazarova lasted long, and the only son of Dmitry tragically died in 2011. Alexandra Ivanovna personally practiced a 10-year granddaughter who will now live a girl and how her fate will be, is unknown.

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