61-year-old Alla Verber died


According to media reports, yesterday, Vice President Mercury was hospitalized at the Fort Dei-Marmi hospital during the holidays in Italy. The Super edition found out that the cause of death was an infart. Sources said that after dinner with seafood dishes, Verber felt ailments, and after was delivered to the clinic. The anaphylactic shock was recorded by doctors provoked the refusal of internal organs and an extensive heart attack. For the life of Verber fought over the past day, but at 16:00 she died.

61-year-old Alla Verber died 24778_1

Only last week, Alla announced that he went to the long-awaited vacation, before which he managed to visit Wimbledon's tournament in London in one month, to visit Eli Saaba Jr. Weddy in Beirut and celebrate the anniversary of Igor Cool in Turkey. Two days ago, the Verber last renewed the Instagram account and shared with the fans of the photo, saying that he was joining cycling. Subscribers with difficulty perceived the news about her death.

Публикация от Alla Verber (@verberalla)

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