Jennifer Love Hewitt apologized for his appearance on the red carpet


A few days ago, Jennifer appeared for the first time in a few years on a red carpet - as part of the presentation of new Fox Upfront projects, in one of the serials of which ("9-1-1") is now removed. At the event itself, the actress felt quite confident, and then saw photos from a red walkway - and horrified his appearance, after which he decided to publicly "obey" in front of fans in social networks:

"Yesterday we went to Upfront, and no one told me that the event would last watches 12, and humidity in New York grows almost up to 100%. So I have to apologize. Wear a black suit? Unsuccessful idea. Use insufficient hair lacquer and constantly touch the hair? Also an unsuccessful idea. I just have to apologize for what a tired I look in all photos. I literally melted from the heat. By that time, when it was necessary to go on a red carpet, my hairstyle lost volume, makeup sailed, and I looked as if I had completely forgotten that I was an actress, which on the red carpet in this industry is obliged to look perfect. "

In addition to the heat and humidity, Jennifer Love Hewitt did not sleep all night before the event - the actress two of all small children with whom she had to fly to New York, and, unfortunately, the kids were poorly transferred to this journey.

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