Josh Duhamel will replace the sick-made armchair in the movie Shotgun Wedding


The film "Speed ​​Wedding" is scheduled to start shooting at the end of February. According to the initial idea, the Hummer armor should be fulfilled the main role in it, but now it became known that it will be replaced by Josh Duhamel on the set.

Recall, the romantic comedy produces Jennifer Lopez and Ryan Reynolds. The film will tell about the in love with a couple, which decided to tie himself by the Uzami marriage, but at the same time hold the ceremony necessarily in some exotic place. They go to the islands where all their guests become hostages of gangsters. Saving his loved ones, the bride and groom again worried about bright feelings, remembering, for which they actually love each other.

Armor Hummer dropped out of the project after a wave of Heit was collapsed because of a cannibalism scandal. A correspondence appeared on the network, in which the actor allegedly admits that he wants to eat the ribs of his girl and drink her blood. Hammer himself noted that this is "full nonsense."

"I do not answer these delusional statements, but in the light of evil and false attacks on the Internet, I can't leave my children with a clean conscience for 4 months for filming the film in the Dominican Republic," the Army stated in an interview with People magazine.

The film crew reacted to this solution with understanding and supported Hammer. The new executive of the leading role, 48-year-old Josh Duhamel, well-acquired viewers on the films "Transformers", "Once in Rome", "Quiet Harbor" and others.

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