Schaya Labafe voluntarily went to the treatment after accusations of violence


Actor Shaia Labafe turned for help to a psychologist on the background of a scandal because of the accusations of cruel treatment. The next five weeks of the star of Hollywood will spend in a reheab, inaccessible for any contacts.

Previously, the former LabaFa girl told the public that relations with the actor were not easy for her. According to her, the star of the movie not only constantly pressed psychologically on it, but even raised her hand on her, leaving the bruises. Oils in the fire added and accusations that Chaia deliberately infected the former girlfriend with a venereal disease.

The 34-year-old artist acknowledged that several years he suffered because of his aggression and hurt close. He stated that he did not have good reasons for behaving, and he had no excuse.

"I am ashamed of this story, and I apologize to everyone who did hurt," explained Shaia in a letter that fell into the press.

The actor admitted that the past visit to Rehab did not fully solve his problems with stress disorder and alcohol. But now he intends to focus on treatment and get out of the clinic quite another person.

"I am firmly intending to do everything for recovery," the actor said.

Recall, recently, the labaf was repeatedly seen for offenses from the appearance of drunk to theft in a public place. Now, a statement from the former Passia is added to the list of his problems with the law, which officially accused the actor in the beatings.

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