10 wonderful actresses who never received "Oscar"


Helena Bonm Carter

10 wonderful actresses who never received

It is very difficult to believe, but for more than 30 years of his wonderful career Helena Bonmem Carter received only 2 nominations for Oscar - as the best actress for the role in the film 1997 "Wings of Doves" and as the best actress of the second plan for the role in the film 2010 "King says!". Helena Bonm Carter for decades has demonstrated a widest acting range, equally brilliantly playing both in the screening of the works of Shakespeare, and in large-budget blockbusters, and even in musicals. The connoisseurs of non-standard Hollywood cinema will always remember Carter as Marlu Singer in the "Fight Club". Of course, the actress does not need rewards confirming her talent - he is also obvious, but still "Oscar" in the service list of Helena would be as impossible by the way.

Rosario Dawson

10 wonderful actresses who never received

Rosario Dawson never received a single nomination for prestigious filmmaking, which is particularly surprising, if we consider that since 1995, the actress regularly removes in independent cinema. However, Rosario Dawson has roles in large-budget films - including in the "City of Sins" and "Proof of Death". Whether due to the lack of "Oscar", or because of the desire to try something new, Recently, Rosario Dawson is not filmed in the movies, but in the TV shows - not so long ago it could be seen in the series MARVEL "Sorvigolov" and Jessica Jones.

Michelle Williams

10 wonderful actresses who never received

Since the first appearance, Michel Williams, Michel Williams, has passed a long way - and managed to build a career much more impressive than her former colleagues on the set. Michelle Williams international fame won through the role of a second plan in the movie "Gorbay Mountain", which also provided actress her first nomination for Oscar. Surprisingly, none of the following roles - including in Valentine's films and "7 days and nights with Marilyn," which Williams also received a nomination for Oscar - did not give the actress cherished statuette.

Elfrey Witch

10 wonderful actresses who never received

Perhaps the name of Elfrey Watch is not too familiar to the wide audience, but this actress for his stretchadded career was able to receive almost all rewards in cinema, television and on theatrical scene - with the exception of Oscar (for comparison, in its summary there are as many as 4 AMMI awards and record 18 nominations). On the stage and on the screen of Elfrey, the wuts regularly appear since the 70s, remaining one of the few truly professional actresses, which always performs the task set before it. Today, probably, the film academy has already owed actress not just "Oscar", but a reward for the contribution to the Lifetime Achievement Award cinema, given the impressive watchlist.

Maggie Gillenhol.

10 wonderful actresses who never received

Maggie Gillenhol grew up in a Hollywood family - her parents worked directors, screenwriters and producers, and Brother, Jake Gillanhol, also became a famous actor. However, neither of any protection and speech can be - the talent of the actresses have long been appreciated by the audience, and film critics. The only highest assessment, which in Summary Maggie Gillenhol is still missing - this is "Oscar". The only reason for the Maggie nomination to Oscar fell for 2009 - her actress received for his role in the film "Crazy Heart".

Salma Hayek

10 wonderful actresses who never received

Conquered the first fame due to filming in Mexican films and television series, Salma Hayek literally took Hollywood in 1995, starring in the "desperate" with Antonio Banderas. Perhaps one of the brightest roles was the role in the film "Frida" (2002), a very personal project of Salma Hayek about the Mexican artist Frieda Kalo and her love story with the artist Diego Rivera. For this film, Salma Hayek was nominated for Oscar in the category "Best Actress", but in the end - and, according to many, completely unfair - Nicole Kidman lost competition ("Clock"). Beauty, sexual attractiveness and very bright personality Salma Hayek, as it is surprising, still failed to impress the US Film Academy.

Michelle Pfaiffer

10 wonderful actresses who never received

Starting his Hollywood career with not the most successful sequel "Brocco", Michelle Pfaiffer soon turned out to be one of the most sought-after actresses of the 80s and early 90s. In the service list, Michel Pfeiffer signs only 3 nominations for Oscar, and she received the last of them in the distant 1992 - more than 20 years ago! For his more than a long career Michelle Pfaiffer succeeded in almost all genres - from the drama and action to the musical and comedy, played many of the most diverse roles - from the "Women-cats" to the "face with the scar", but, nevertheless, and Not received "Oscar".

Angela Bassett

10 wonderful actresses who never received

Fans of American television serials Angel Bassett is known, first of all, according to the role of American horror history, but in fact, for his career, stretching for almost 30 years, this actress flashed in many more interesting roles. Unfortunately, the roles for women worthy of "Oscar" are truly good worthy of "Oscar" - in Hollywood are rarity, and even less often they appear with age. As a result, in the past few years, Angela, and without receiving an Oscar, almost completely switched to television - and, for example, shone in the last 3 seasons of the American Horror History.

Annette Bening

10 wonderful actresses who never received

The lack of "Oscar" with such without exaggeration of the legendary actress, as Annette Bening, will be a real shock. Career actresses began from the scene - she made his debut on Broadway and even earned a nomination for the prestigious Prize "Tony", and then switched to Hollywood, where her career was truly blossomed. For his career, Annette Bening received 4 nominations for Oscar - for roles in the films "Kidala" (1990), "Beauty of American" (1999), "Theater" (2004), "Baby in order" (2010), But the cherished statuette never won.

Viola Davis

10 wonderful actresses who never received

Viola Davis is one of those truly strong and deep actress, which can "replay" almost anyone who is with her in one frame. For his career, Viola Davis received a variety of rewards - from the Tony's theater award in 2001 and 2010 to Emmy for the role in the series "How to avoid punishment for the murder", - but here Oscar, the actress is still no Despite 2 nominations. At the same time, in talent, Davis should not be able to refuse - she received its first nomination for Oscar in 2008 for the role of the second plan in the film "Doubt", and, although on the screen she appeared in the same scene, the Viola game was so impressed by the Film Academy that the actress was nominated for Oscar. In 2008, in the struggle for the award, Davis lost to Penelope Cruz ("Wiki, Kristina, Barcelona"), in 2011 - Maryl Streep (Iron Lady).

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