From Hermione to Draco: 7 Hogwarts students are stronger and talenter than Harry Potter


Harry Potter will forever remain a boy who survived and saved the whole magic world from the terrifying Volan de Mort. And even though the future of Hogwarts would be impossible without him, will be fair to admit that he would hardly have surrendered in this struggle without the help of other wizards. Moreover, it is not only about adult magicians, but also about other talented students of the School of Wizard and Magic.

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Frankly, in the spells of Harry was always not too strong, so that, if you remove from the Dark Lord equation, it will be easy to see that for all the years of studying in Hogwarts near the main character there were much more impressive wizards, who would not be difficult to defeat Potter in a magician match.

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Of course, the first among them is worth named Hermione Granger, without which Harry and Ron in the entire history of the franchise could die several times. Her amazing magical knowledge, superior to those gave on ordinary classrooms, constantly rescued friends, and the responsibility and prudence helped to be released from the most difficult situations.

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We will not forget about Cedric Diggori, who almost won the tournament of three wizards without any assistance, but at the same time it was so generous that Harry was allowed to touch him at the same time. And at least Cedric died, he was forever remained in the memory of others as one of the talented school wizards.

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Alumnum Lovegud, which many consider not from the world of this, is also tempted in magical wisdom. Despite the external detachment, which is explained by too close familiarity with death, the half-one fearless and dare, and it was she who helped Harry to return to the Diage of the Rownes Kogtevran, which helped in a victory over the Dark Lord.

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Fred and George Weasley were undoubtedly much more talented wizards than Harry, but they had to leave Hogwarts. Their famous pranks not only led to the opening of a wonderful shop, but also helped how the nerves of the disgusting Dolores Ambridge should be accepted, which took the place of Dumbledore. And, of course, the contribution of the brothers in the battle for Hogwarts will never be forgotten, during which Fred died.

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Padma Patil is one of the most inconspicuous magicians in this list, however, some remoteness from Potter played only on hand. She did not become a direct ally Harry, although she was with him in the detachment of Dumbledore. And, perhaps, her only real mistake was that she allowed Ron to accompany himself on the ball.

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Finally, Draco Malfoy, although Harry and his friends who caused a lot of trouble, can rightly be considered one of the strongest wizards of Hogwarts. Unfortunately, his parents have provided too much influence - Death Eaters. Trying to achieve their confession, Draco often showed itself from the best side.

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Be that as it may, the audience saw the story of Harry Potter exactly what Joan Rowling was conceived, and each of these characters played an important role in it. However, it does not prevent fans to invent alternative options for the development of the magic world, putting forward those heroes that they consider more worthy of attention.

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