Emma Watson felt guilty for success Hermione Granger


Emma Watson gave an interview to the British publication of Vogue, which admitted that the success of her Kinoheroini Hermione Granger made her feel guilty.

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Nine-year-old Emma went to school when she was offered the role of a girlfriend Harry Potter, who turned her life.

I thought: why am I? After all, someone else would also like this and could enjoy it more than me. I had to fight a sense of guilt. It seemed to me that I should rejoice more to what happened, and I had a fight instead with problems,

- spoke in an interview with Emma.

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According to Watson, shooting in Harry Potter literally pulled her from school life. And the subsequent glory spoke so much that Emma lost a relationship with reality.

It all seemed very strange and unnatural,

- noted the actress. At the peak of the fallen glory, Emma reminded himself who she was so to feel the support again.

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I remembered my personality. I'm my mom's daughter and my dad, I sister. I have a family, origin, roots. I have my life and my personality, which is very important and strong, and which has nothing to do with this glory. Sometimes I asked my parents: "I'm still your daughter?". So sometimes there were strange sensations,

- Star told.

Earlier, Emma Watson spoke out about stereotypes about the 30th anniversary of the woman. The 29-year-old actress admitted that he did not understand why everyone decided that by 30 years old women should have a house, husband and children.

Everyone is so fussy and worried because of this age, although this is not a big event. I am happy alone. I myself partner myself,

- noted Watson.

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