Keith Harington chose the Harry Potter hero, whom he would like to play


Keith Harington, famous thanks to the role of John Snow in the "Game of Thrones", soon need to try on another image - in the next blockbuster from Marvel "Eternal" Actor will fulfill the superhero named Dane Whitman / Black Knight. Recently, communicating with the press in the framework of the Comic Con festival, Harington shared his impressions of his new acting experience, but unexpectedly asked him a question about who from Harry Potter's heroes he would wish to fulfill the most. The actor did not have to think long - he called Severus Snape with his favorite.

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Among the fans of the magical world, Joan Rowling arose the idea that Harry Potter's hypothetical could tell about the marauders - a group of inseparable friends, among whom James Potter (Father Harry), Sirius Black, Remus Lupine and Peter Pettigrew. All these heroes studied at Hogwarts simultaneously with Snape and Lily Evans (in the future Potter, Harry's mother). Harington asked, he would have agreed to play in such a film, and if so, who exactly.

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Snape is the best character from all. He is the most tragic, amazing and attractive. This is the hero who hate passionately, but in the end he penetrates his deepest love. It is just phenomenal. I do not think that I would become a suitable actor for Snape, so instead I would play Sirius. But regardless of who performed Snape, he will always be an excellent character for me,

- said Harington.

Keith Harington chose the Harry Potter hero, whom he would like to play 25863_3

Also, the actor told, at what faculty he would come, bring him to go to study at Hogwarts:

I consider myself Gryffindor. I seriously thought about it. Where would be John Snow? Given his devotion, it seems to me that it would be determined in Puffenduy.

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