In the film "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban" found a hint of communism


The attentiveness of some viewers does not know borders. This week, one of the "Harry Potter" fans published a frame from the third part of the franchise with Hermione Granger in Hagrid's hut. Everything would be nothing if you have not seen crossed sickle and hammer for her back.

In the scene from the "Prisoner of Azkaban", a Marxist symbol is perfectly visible,

- said the viewer.

In the film

In the film

Potterian fans highly appreciated the post and did not hold on the jokes: "You are comrade, Harry," "Now this film has become really cool," "the distribution hat sent Harry to the Gulag," "I always knew that Hagrid was Carl Marx."

Other users were joined to discuss this moment, according to which, the image of the sickle and hammer the creators left for the purpose. An argument was such a view of other film frames, on which the symbol simply disappeared.

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