Kim Kardashian supported Demi Lovato after scandalous revelations


The 40-year-old Kim Kardashian marked at the premiere of the new documentary series about Demi Lovato on Youtube Originals. The tape was called "Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil." Kim was among those who visited the virtual show at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

At some point, Demi came to the stage to fulfill their own hit Anyone. This episode Kim documented in Stories a personal Instagram account. "My baby," she signed the video, adding three pink hearts.

Demi and Kim also made a joint selfie, and in the photo they both poses in masks because of the permanent pandemic. "I love you. Thank you for coming! " - wrote Lovatu in response to a friend.

The new documentary film shows the overdose of demi in 2018 and its path to recovery. In an interview for CBS Sunday Morning, which was broader the other day, a 28-year-old singer remembered how her life was before and after the incident, admitting that she, "in fact, had to die to wake up." Now she says that he feels "more joy" than ever before.

The first few episodes have already been released on YouTube, and Demi boldly talks about the depth of the dependence and on the loss of control over almost all aspects of life.

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