"It is cruel": Kim Kardashian criticized his pet's appeal


In the family of a large mother Kim Kardashian replenishment. Yesterday, Instadiva presented to subscribers in the social networks of a new pet - Bearded Agama named AIDS (SPEED). Kim told that this is a lizard of her best friend, which asked to "donate with the pet", but as a result, Agama remained in the Kardashian family.

"Meet a new member of our family - AIDS. I did not expect she would like it so much. My girlfriend Alison asked us to sit with a lizard week, but she was with us for several months, "wrote Kim in Twitter.

She also posted a photo on which her eldest daughter North holds in the hands of Agama in a plush suit and with a decorative peasant between the eyes. As a tele-star explained, the AIDS already has a collection of clothing brand Kim Skims Cozy and decoration in the style of Raper Lil Uzi, which carries a diamond in the forehead. Also, Kim noted that "North everywhere wears a lizard with me."

Many Kardashian subscribers seemed to be busting. Fans of animals, as well as experts in the content of Agam, they came up in Comments Kim with criticism: "These lizards can not be kept vertically, they can not breathe so much! And it is also impossible to close their "third eye" - they have an additional sense body, "these animals are exotherms, the ambient temperature is important for them. And in such a suit they cannot cool, "" Respect the needs of the animal, it's not a toy! "," Please remove the pebbles with her "third eye", it prevents her. And better keep it on the sand. "

Other users have joke about the parting Kim with Kanye West, they say, she replaced the father of his children a lizard. As you know, the former couple has already submitted documents for divorce. According to the source, Kim wants Kanya to continue to actively participate in the raising of children, and does not intend to let it.

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