Stars on Twitter: Dwayin "Rock" Johnson boasts his legs, and Kellan Lats - acquired friends


Adam Lambert posted a new photo with friends

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

"I love my job," - signed Charlie Sheen This is a photo from filming his series

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Rihanna posted a new photo in his tweet

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Alisha Kisa shared a snapshot from the shooting of the video

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Vanessa Hudgens At your birthday visited the observation platform Empire State Building

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Kellan Lats. Personalized in the Volunteer Program "Best Friends"

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

"Sometimes the most important victories that only you need," wrote Dwayin "Rock" Johnson

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Hilary Duff claims that her dog is the most charming

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Pi Diddi I decided to take a nap in my private plane

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Kelly Breepord posted photos Ed Wheel and Leiton Mr. From the filming of the series "Gossip"

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Alessandra Ambrosoi lies with girlfriends

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

LA Dy Gaga. At the rehearsal with the group The Rolling Stones

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

Mariah Carey. I signed this photo like this: "Miss Monroe believes that pearls can also be your best friend," remembering the famous phrase "Diamonds - the best friends of girls"

Stars on Twitter: Dwayin

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