Lindsay Lohan defended Trump


Another wave of indignation to the President of the United States on social networks began with a completely ridiculous occasion: Trump agreed to help Charlie Garda, seriously ill to the British kid whom the European Court of Human Rights recognized too patients to participate in the experimental treatment program. It would seem that the act of Trump is worthy of praise - but Twitter users decided differently, recognizing that the gesture of the president, of course, looks good, but at the same time accusing the Trump in hypocrisy (due to the actions of Trump as president of medical insurance will lose 22 million residents of the USA) .

After hundreds of such tweets, Lindsay Lohan decided to speak in defense of Trump and answered some of them by writing: "This is our president. Enough to rob him, start trusting him. "

In another message, Lindsay mentioned all the members of the presidential family, writing that they were "good people." "Being american, why get the opposite about someone bad?", I will ask Lohan from Twitter users.

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