Brad Pitt ridiculed Donald Trump after statements about Coronavirus


The new release of Saturday Night Live showed a three-minute roller in which Brad Pitt appeared as an adviser to Donald Trump on the coronavirus of Dr. Anthony Faucci. The actor was in the "sad" wig, glasses and a strict suit and "walked" by the dubious statements of the president.

As for the virus there was a lot of dubious information. Yes, the president allowed himself some liberty. Therefore, today I would like to explain that the president tried to say

- Beginning "Doctor".

Brad Pitt ridiculed Donald Trump after statements about Coronavirus 26827_1

In one of his speeches, Trump said that, in his opinion, the vaccine will develop "relatively soon".

An interesting phrase: "relatively soon." Regarding the history of the Earth? Then yes, the vaccine will soon appear. But if you tell your friend, that you will come to him "relatively soon", but appear after a year and a half, your friend then "relatively shake",

- Says in the video of Pitt.

Brad Pitt ridiculed Donald Trump after statements about Coronavirus 26827_2

Then he commented on another saying the Trump: "Everyone who needs to go through the test will pass the test. Tests are. Tests are beautiful. "

There is a couple of moments. I'm not sure that I would call the tests "beautiful." If, of course, you do not consider beautiful when cotton swab tickles your brain. In addition, when he said that everyone can pass the test, he meant that almost no one could,

- continued Faucci performed by Pitt.

Brad Pitt ridiculed Donald Trump after statements about Coronavirus 26827_3

For some of the sayings, Trump - that you can try to treat a virus to the injections of a disinfectant or powerful light outbreaks - the doctor performed by Pitt responded to Faispalm.

I know that you do not need to touch the face, but ...

- he said. At the end of Brad, he removed a wig and glasses and appealed to this doctor Faucci:

Thank you for your calm and clarity at this alarming time. And thanks to medical workers, rescuers and their families for working on the front line.

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