Makolay Kalkin stood at Michael Jackson: "He did not do anything with me"


Makola Kalkin since childhood was friends with Michael Jackson. In a new interview, the magazine Esquire 39-year-old actor asked about Jackson's charges in pedophilia, which were repaired again after the release of the documentary film "Leaving Neversand." In it, two men, one of them choreographer Wade Robson, who put dancing for 'N Sync and Britney Spears, told about the atrocities of the pop king.

Makolay Kalkin stood at Michael Jackson:

According to Calkin, for the last time he saw Michael in 2005, when he spoke at his court as a witness of protection. The actor said that neither when he was a child nor now he would not be silent if something suspicious noticed for Jackson. But he did not notice.

He never did nothing like me. I have never seen him to do it with someone. I make no sense to hide something, especially now. He died, and now, no matter how it sounds, it's time to tell "bitter truth." But nothing was, there is nothing to tell. If it were - I would not be silent definitely,

Said Kalkin.

Makolay Kalkin stood at Michael Jackson:

The actor remembered, as James Franco recently met on the plane. I am impressed by the film "Leaving Neverse", he wanted to discuss Jackson with Makalem.

It was, just when the movie came out. He is: "There's a dockey there!" I am: "Yeah ..." and silence. He again: "So what do you think?" I turned to him and say: "Do you want to talk about your deceased friend?" He dot and such: "No, I don't want." And I am: "Well, and well done. I was glad to see. "

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