Americans against: Billy Porter will appear in the children's program "Sesame Street" in the dress with Oscar 2019


Jason Rapert, Arkansas State Senator, arranged a survey on Facebook:

Do you approve of the use of money from our taxpayers to promote the radical LGBT movement?

In addition, he created a petition with a call to ban the show of this episode and even accused the program that the transvestite was engaged in the sexual education of children.

Of course, Billy Porter could not stay away from what is happening.

If you do not like, then just do not look

- he stated in an interview with Page Six. And then added that he does not understand how his dress should push people to "perverted demonic sex."

And what if on the show I sang with a penguin? How would this characterize my sexual preferences? Why the first thing that interests everyone is how we have sex? Stay away from my bedroom, and you will be fine, because it's definitely not your business,

- the star of the "Pose" series was indignant.

Публикация от Billy Porter (@theebillyporter)

Recall that Porter appeared on the presentation of a prestigious award in the original dress - on top it looked like a classic tuxedo with a butterfly, and the bottom turned into a long lush skirt. It is not surprising that the outfit made a real Furior and eclipsed elegant images of Hollywood diva.

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