Lyubov Uspenskaya told Andrei Malakhov "All the truth" about the scandal with his daughter: "I'm dying"


After the revelations of Plaksina, Assumption invited Malakhov to himself and gave a great interview. She said that the doctors are constantly on duty in her house, saving her from nervous disruptions and high pressure.

I live in hell. Barely got out of bed. My doctors do not leave the house. I feel bad. I have a condition that I am dying, I have the last day,

- said 65-year-old Uspenskaya with tears in his eyes.

Lyubov Uspenskaya told Andrei Malakhov

She denied all the accusations of his daughter in the fact that allegedly stuck it and stifled. The singer is sure that the girl said it under the influence of other people who set up plaques against the mother.

She is zombie today, I can not find a common language with her. This is not my daughter. A girl who could do this to me ...

- complained Assumption.

The singer suggested that the father of the girl Alexander Plaksin could tune the daughter against her. According to her, the husband has long been trying to embroil her with Tatiana. When the girl was small, Plaquin did not agree to a divorce, threatening that he would not sign permission to leave his daughter abroad. Later, according to the singer, he began to bind Tatiana to himself with money: Got dear gifts, paid trips abroad. And from one such trip to Peru, the girl returned inadequate.

Tanya arrived in the US, began to smoke a prohibited substance. He paid tickets to Peru. Then I learned that she came from there nonormal, inadequate. She screamed, oral, hysteria. I have such a feeling that my husband came up with a plan to destroy me to take possession of everyone that I have. He creates such things, knowing how I treated Tana,

- Lyubov Uspenskaya admitted.

And recently, Tatyana left the house for three days, and the excited mother had to hire a private detective to find out where she was.

In the final interview appeared Plaksina and quarreled again with his mother. Uspenskaya demanded from the daughter of apologies for ridiculous accusations, and Tatiana said he wants to live alone. The singer regretfully recognized that the girl had time to find a job and start an independent life, but she did nothing for this.

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