Photo: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Bil first captured together after the scandal


A couple of months ago, Justin Timberlake fans discussed suspicious photographs on which he was captured with a colleague on the film "Palmer" Alisha Veniate. Actors rested together in the bar. Alishia held her hand on the knee of Justin, and then he himself took her hand. Considering that Timberlake is already married to Jessica Bill for seven years and raises a four-year-old son with her, the photos from the bar called resonance and gave rise to rumors about Justin's infidel. In addition, he was without a ring in the bar.

At last weekend, Bil and Timberlake had seen together for the first time. The couple walked around New York and held hands.

Justin and Jessica went for a walk in their area. It was cold, but they looked cozy and held hands. Both were in excellent mood, smiled and chatted,

- told the source of the magazine People.

After the case with Wenberle, Timberlake officially apologized: he admitted that he drank too much and "made a mistake."

A few weeks ago, I strongly mistakenly. But let me clarify: there was nothing between me and my colleague. That night I drank too much and regret my behavior. Not such an example, I want to file my son. I apologize to my excellent wife and family for putting them in such an awkward situation. Now I try to become the best father and my husband as much as I can,

- Posted on his page Justin. Insiders reported that Jessica her husband "understood and forgave."

Photo: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Bil first captured together after the scandal 26915_1

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