Happy New Year congratulations to friends: beautiful, funny and short greetings in verse


In order not to guess what words to congratulate familiar, buddies and friends, use one of the options that are selected on this page.

The ideas of beautiful spiritual congratulations on the coming new year and Christmas for friends and loved ones

New Year quietly knock

In the door to those who are waiting for a miracle ...

And it really will happen!

And when you do not expect - it will come ...

New Year, champagne, fun,

New day in which there is love!

Laughing friends will raise the mood,

The ringing of the glasses will repeat again ...

In the new year we wish only happiness!

To be the place of the miracle in it

We managed the side of your house bad weather

And the life seemed fine sleep.


With a long-awaited New Year! I wish that every new event becomes a good fabulous story for you, the newly given joy gave a delightful mood and strengthened health, and the renewed happiness covered and warmed up your life in gentle sun.


Happy New Year! Let the multicolored blizzard blizzard break into your life and rapidly cool you with happiness, wait for the tempting success, will cover the exciting premonition of fantastic victories and abandon the impressive discoveries!


The whole city laughs, dancing, sings -

Hurry to us on this night New Year!

You are a snowy bird luck catch -

Let it bring her happiness in love!


Winter draws on the glass of your patterns,

And the door knocks the new year loudly.

Leave you in the past all the insults, disputes,

In the soul, let love and happiness flourish.

I wish the sea of ​​cheerfulness and inspiration

Patience, new knowledge, a lot of strength.

Always to be a positive customer

And every day only joy brought.

Cool short congratulations happy new year to friends and loved ones

The exchange of wishes on the eve of the New Year is a good tradition that allows people to remind each other that all dreams will fulfill the coming year. Cool New New Year's congratulations to friends and loved ones help believe in magic.

A selection of funny short congratulations on the new year to friends

I congratulate you happy new year!

Jasomy new to you, friend, wish,

New happiness and new ideas

New acquaintances and faithful friends.

Women in love, cool car,

So that you can go to the country you any.

Life is beautiful, successful, successful ...

Well, on all this money, of course!


Happy New Year!

Be destroyed you always.

Let any in the life of trouble

Never anxious never.

Friend, you wish you happiness,

Good, success and good.

Friendship strong between us

Do not weaken let the year.


Happy New Year!

With a new day!

Tomorrow we will go to you!

Rail salads, vodka,

And underwear herring!

We will do manta

And congratulate each other!


New Year came! Hooray!

You can have fun!

Even if until the morning

Will a blizzard angry!

Congratulate each other we will

We will not forget about

Jokes, joy, happiness, laughter

This holiday, he is for everyone!


We will go, friends, and adequately meet the elderly Red Man, his relative and the crowd of deer - New Year comes to us!

Spiritual congratulations on the coming new year rats to friends in prose in their own words

In the new year, greetings must be sincerely. Sincere congratulations on the coming new year, rats of friends in prose from our selection will help you beautifully congratulate your words.

Touching words for friends and lovers with congratulations to the new year rat

Once, in childhood, they wrote letters by Santa Claus, talking about what he was well and asked for gifts. Today, those children grew up and gathered at one table. But we still believe in miracles, right? And for sure Grandfather Frost did not forget us. And on this night he will imperceptibly go home ... We behaved well this year, diligently worked, diligently studied new and loved loved ones. And today, Santa Claus will definitely bring each of us for the bag of happiness and good luck for the new year!


Let the new year in the new year, the old resentment will be forgotten by opening the road for new friendship and love. Let wishes be fulfilled, the favorite work brings satisfaction, new knowledge and accomplishments.


What is new year? Smithdy beauty-tree, smell of tangerines, Bengal lights ... And the most important thing is that close people gathered together and seems to have never been so cozy and good! Let's remember everything good that it was in the past year with us, and raise the glasses for the new year to be even better than the previous one!


When the chest is overwhelmed with good feelings, and you stand with a raised glass in a circle of friends, and everyone is waiting when the clock is trying twelve ... It seems that there are no words to express all the wishes that so much to say! Therefore, I just wish the gathered, so that in the coming year they accompanied success, love and good health, and the rest - must apply!


A little bit left to the beautiful and all your favorite holiday. Happy New Year, let this day pass so successfully that he wants to repeat again and again, and again. Let the festive mood transfers over the edge, and all the dreams will find their embodiment.

Short beautiful and touching to tears congratulations happy new year friends in verse

In a joyful winter holiday, everyone really wants to hear the kind words. Short beautiful and touching to tears congratulations Happy New Year to friends in verses from our selection can be voiced personally when meeting or sent by SMS.

Options touching to tears congratulations for the new year for friends in verse

Let in the new year

With you there will be love,

And tenderness and happiness

And joy

Good people

Meet again

There will be no problem

Let be in a burden.

Let in the new year

With you there will be love,

Leave your old one -

In old.

Smiles, good luck,

Dreams again and again

Go with you

About hand near!


Every new year as a fairy tale

How the birth of a dream.

New comes joy

Our world, full beauty.

Happy New Year

And I wish you good,

Much happiness, and good luck,

And spiritual heat!


We are waiting for miracles, we believe in a fairy tale,

We are friends, we love, we will create ...

And in this good winter holiday,

When burning around lights,

When the Christmas tree is elevated,

Salutes thunder every hour

Let happiness come to us for a long time,

Let the joy not leave us.

Let all the worship come true,

There will be no sadness to the sadness.

Love, heat, charming,

Miracles magical for centuries!


I wish all the shades of happiness,

I wish the warmth of friends,

Health, joy of immense

And New Year's festive lights!


Again on the threshold of the new year,

He will go up with a young star!

Let him give happiness and success,

Smiles, humor, good laughter!

Let your day be light,

Pleasant, joyful and generous!

Let it be bright, dynamic,

In all successful and excellent!

Touching words and beautiful happy new year congratulations to friends and loved ones

In the New Year, these wonders happen. Speaking touching words and beautiful congratulations on the New Year to friends and relatives, you can become a real wizard, creating a New Year's mood from my love.

Collection of touching and spiritual congratulations for the new year and Christmas for friends

Under the battle hours

Under the sounds of the waltz

Under the New Year:

We wish again

Raise a glass

For peace and happiness,

Hope, faith

And love!


Stay true to yourself

Then everything will come true,

In the new year, then in fate

Success will arrive in endeavors!


Rustle tinsel on the tree

Shine flashes on needles,

Salads, wine and snacks,

Cognac for friends in the load.

Everyone is waiting for the kourarti battle

To raise wine glasses thin

And the desire to make

Yes to wish each other -

Happiness health of success!

Merry, smiles, laughter!

Peace leave in the past

And year to start only with good!


Through forests through the fields

Snow-white drifts

Going to us New Year Friends!

It goes in the summer former!

So let him take

Diseases and resentment!

Still a big bag of adversity

So as not to be seen!

And the new one will bring with you

We all health, happiness

Well-being, peace,

More love and passion!


New Year's holiday nice!

The kindest, most important thing!

There are so many sparks and light in it,

And happy people at the same time!

I wish everyone! All! All!

Year to live without evil, problems!

More health and joy

Less sadness and weaknesses!

More love and zador

Less empty conversations!

More money and gifts!

And Denechkov bright, hot!

Mental greetings Happy New Year to a friend-man from a woman in their own words

On New Year's Eve, a good friend wants to say an interesting and memorable wish. To facilitate your task, we picked up the most unusual soulful congratulations on the new year to a friend-man from a woman in their own words.

A selection of beautiful congratulations to the coming new year to a friend

I wish the New Year to turn to you with a good fairy tale with a happy ending. Let everything be better and more colorful. The food is tastier, emotions - brighter, work - profitable, rest - fullness, feelings - deeper, and happiness - absolute!


Let all the wonders in the New Year holidays be accomplished on the songs of winter blizzards in the New Year holidays. Let the most incredible fairy tale of childhood with a happy ending will become a reality.


Happy New Year! Let the snowflakes around will be woven from the sparkling tenderness, and in the houses there is a light of joy, so that the next year to fill, like a glass, happiness to the edge!


In the magical night of the new year's offensive, I wish you the fulfillment of mysterious desires, huge, like a starry sky, happiness and strong, like Siberian frost, health!


How much they are preparing for the new year, it always comes unexpectedly, and now thoughts are already confused, and we hurry to make a desire for the battle. You believe in it with all my heart, and therefore it must come true! And let everyone be so!

Short congratulations on the coming new year and Merry Christmas to a woman from a man

In winter holidays, the atmosphere of good, fun and fairy tales is worthwhile. Funny short congratulations on the coming new year and Merry Christmas to a woman from a man will raise the mood.

Options for short funny congratulations for a friend - Women from a man for the New Year and Christmas

Let the new year bring you kilobytes of crispy bills, megabytes sparkling happiness, gigabytes of love and terabytes of good movies on a hard disk. Happy New Year!


Do you hear a knock? This new year stands at the door! Accepting a dear guest, drink champagne, he will cure and give you everything you dream about!


New Year, as a new friend. He is kind, generous and does not oblige anything! Let your relationship with him will be at stage for another 12 months!


Make gifts lists,

To "he" managed to collect -

The holiday is very, very close,

We must give a chance to give!


The holiday comes.

Let the sadness go!

Sadness as snow melts,

The enemy is falling!

Cool greetings happy new year from a friend or friend with humor

Unobtrusive wish in a joking form will definitely cause a smile at buddies. To pay attention to friends, send them cool congratulations on a new year from a friend or girlfriend with humor.

A selection of congratulations with humor to the new year from a friend

New Year in the window knocks

The snow pleases all of us

Here skiing ride

It was a fun now!


Girlfriend - You are more beautiful!

Come on with you drink together

Let us accompany success

And there will be the best news.


We are brought to us: good,

Hope, happiness and fun

I love to drink wine with you

Not talking about hangover


Let Santa Claus of the Dream fulfill

Let it be in this holiday - New Year

He will remember all the desires

And let us be lucky with you!


Congratulations to you, friend! New Year!

Let always and in all of you lucky.

Let a lot be smiles

In order not to make mistakes.

Let luck accompanies in everything

Money will be full of house.

Let failures never be

And the guide star shines.

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