"House 2" will return on another channel under the heading "New Love"


At the end of last year, the fans of the reality show "House 2" was waiting for the unpleasant news: the organizers announced the closure of telestroy and dissolved all participants. However, now it became known that one of the most successful TV projects is returned.

It is reported that now "House 2" will be broadcast on the TV channel "YU", the first release will be broadcast on April 19. As the "Vedomosti" edition specifies, the organizers of the show decided to leave the project in the usual classical format, only slightly changed its name. Now the project will be called "House 2. New Love." Twice-hour programs will be broadcast twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

To keep the show "House 2. New love" will be the same people as before: Olga Buzov, Ksenia Borodin, Olga Orlova, Vlad Kadoni and Andrei Cherkasov. A representative of the TV channel told the publication that the composition of the participants of the show would change a little. "The channel also plans to leave the star team of the reality participants, to which new heroes will join," the insider told.

At the same time, it is not specified, who exactly from the participants will return to "House 2": whether these are the same people as they were among the participants before closing the show, or on the project will return to those who have long left the "House 2".

Recall, the project "House 2" was broadcast on TNT channel for 16 years. As a result, the show got into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest realistic.

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