Director "Joker" Todd Phillips responded to prosecution of violence


The other day, the nominee for the Golden Globe gave an interview to The Hollywood Reporter, in which he said that she was trying to stay away from social networks and does not read what they write there. In his opinion, Hakers simply choose some kind of film and suck out a non-existent problem from the finger. These people live according to the principle: "I don't need to watch a movie to understand how bad it is."


Phillips has concluded that it is difficult to explain to potential viewers and comic fans that "Joker" does not apply to the films about superheroes. Compared to other DC projects, it is really very cruel, but it was necessary on the plot.

I somehow heard a conversation conversation at the Warner Bros studio office.: "He knows that we sell pajamas with a joker?" I was so surprised: "And what, first produce pajamas, and then a movie already?" These pajamas dictate us, what to remove the movies?

- spoke about his supervision director.

Публикация от Joker Movie (@jokermovie)

Recall that the premiere of "Joker" took place in the fall, the global office fees of criminal drama have already stepped over a billion dollars mark. The mentally unhealthy hero was playing Masterously played by Joaquin Phoenix, high probability that this role will bring the first-year actor first in his career "Oscar".

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