Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon on the Saturday Night Live show


Jimmy and Justin tried out the image of the leading political talk show in the style of pop groups of the 70s. The disco-musicians had to be not easy, because they talk in the manner of their songs. Well, on a visit to this strange show, Madonna itself turned out to be.

In the Sketch about the quiz for celebrities, Jimmy depicted Jim Parsons from the "Theory of the Big Explosion", who had fallen into the team with Ashton Kutcher, John Korira and Alison Hannigan. And Justin to the delight of the audience sparkled his friend Jimmy Fallon. In his team, Jane Lynch and Ice-T were found. The actors had to be not easy, because Justin had to portray Jimmy right in his eyes, and both of them could not restrain their laugh. The presenter asked the teams the question: "As you can become sexy." Of course won the answer, "you need to be Justin Timberlake."

Justin traditionally performs the role of a cheerful promoter, very seriously relating to his work. This time, the singer for a couple with Jimmy represented the "obverse" in the costumes of wrapping paper and a gift package. They demonstrated their talents under such hits as Somebody That Ised to Know and Thrift Shop.

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