The executor of Palpatine's role was surprised by the return of no less fans: "I thought it was dead!"


"Star Wars: Skywalker. The sunrise "finally got to the general public, but the reaction to the long-awaited film was ambiguous. One of the main topics for discussion among fans - how appropriate was the unexpected return from the non-existence of Emperor Palpatine, who was killed by Anakin Skywalker in the episode "Return Jedi". It turned out that at one time the "resurrection" of Palpatine became a surprise not only for lovers of "star wars", but also for the actor Yen McDeammid, who fulfills the role of powerful Sitha.

The executor of Palpatine's role was surprised by the return of no less fans:

I thought I was dead! I thought he was dead. After all, in the course of the "return of Jedi", I was dropped into a galactic hell, from where you are not selected alive. When I found out that I would have come back, I exclaimed: "Oh, so he returns?". And George [Lucas] for me: "No, he is still dead." [Laughs] So I just agreed with what is. But at that time I, of course, did not know that I would have to play in a series of prequelov, so in fact Palpatine was not dead, because we go to the past and we see it young. But then I was very surprised

- said Mcardemid in an interview with Digital Spy.

The executor of Palpatine's role was surprised by the return of no less fans:

In Skywalle. Sunrise "Palpatine appeared on the screen after his actual death. In this film, the main villain of "Star Wars" looks even more sinister and corrupted, which only adds to him the texture. However, despite this, many it seemed that the newest trilogy needed some new charismatic antagonists, and not in the return of the character, which was invented for another forty years ago.

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