"What a painful return to myself": Larisa Guzeeva has a sharply aged, changing the color of the hair


Larisa is now actively watching his health. The correct way of life helped to transform her: after a nine-day stay in a special clinic of Guzeyev even dropped five kilograms. She achieved success thanks to healthy diet, and small victories inspired the leading changes.

What a painful return to myself! I come back to my hair, convinced

She stated in his Instagram.

Larisa really kept the word and returned the chestnut hair color. Fans supported her decision and wrote a leading many pleasant words. "That's right, the brunette is very good for you," "as beautiful with dark hair," subscribers admired. Some even noticed that with this color of the hair of the Guisearevian royal appearance.

However, the next change in the image was not impressed by all. Many did not like the pictures of Larisa without makeup, on which she looked much older than her age. "The feeling that you are on an alcoholic diet," one of the commentators spoke. But the eloquence of Guzeyev did not listen to haters and continued to enjoy life with a new hair color.

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