Kate Middleton shared family photos on the eve of the holidays


Snapshot Duke Cambridges published in their official Instagram. You can see all children Kate and William: Six-year George Milly smiles at the photographer, and Charlotte gently holds his younger brother Louis.

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In the lens of the camera, the father of the family, who kisses a little son with love.

Merry Christmas! We wish all our subscribers of a calm and happy holiday!

- wrote happy parents. By the way, the author of the touching black and white shot was Kate itself.

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The lack of Middleton in the photo did not upset the fans of the royal family, because the main persons were the children. In the comments, subscribers thanked the dukes of Cambridge for congratulations and made them many compliments. "My God, so cute and so touching", "very beautiful family", "Merry Christmas! What a wonderful and natural photo that does not need editing, "the fans were enthusiastic.

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