James Corden criticized his film: "The worst thing happened to cats since dogs"


At first, it seemed that the film was the film by the famous Musicle Andrew Lloyd Weber "Cats" - a great idea. But the first days of rental have shown that the film filmed by the Oscar Prize laureate Tom Hooper, produces clearly not the impression on which the director was calculated.

James Corden criticized his film:

Despite the amazing cast, including Judy Dench, Jennifer Hudson, Idrisa Elbe and Taylor Swift, check-in tapes are located on an extremely low mark, and critics also called the screening of the musical "the worst, which happened to cats since dogs."

James Corden criticized his film:

James Corden, who played in the "cats" the role of Bastofer Jones, as it turned out, not in the film, either delighted. In an interview with the BBC Radio Two, the actor admitted that he had not yet bothered to see his own film and does not object that many call him "terrible."

But Jason Drululo, who fulfilled the role of Ram-Tagger, considers the screening "incredible work of art", which is simply not destined to understand. The actor called the tape "teleportation to another dimension" and advised not to listen to the criticism of those who had never rented a movie.

Russian viewers will be able to make their judgment about a new look at the "cats" literally in a week. The tape starts in cinemas on January 2.

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