Heroine Judy Dench in the Musical "Cats" can be transgender


The admirers of the musical "Cats", with the fame of which only a few productions can be found, are looking forward to a new look at his favorite story. For the first time, the musical was shown in 1981, and then Judy Dench was assigned to one of the main roles. The actress was supposed to play a magnificent cat in the past Cat Grizabella, as well as Jenioridots. True, as a result, fate intervened in plans - due to the injury, Judy was forced to abandon participation in the production.

Heroine Judy Dench in the Musical

And now, when the director Tom Hooper took up the screening of the famous musical, the day will finally be able to close Gestalt. True, she was not quite ordinary role - until now the character named Old Man Dithuneronomy always played men.

Must confess, participate in such a film - just great

- admitted Judy at a press conference in London.

True, I had to take it, because I always heard about Brian Blightsida,

- She added, mentioning the actor, who embodied the image of the old man dithuanomonomy in the 1981 statement.

Heroine Judy Dench in the Musical

Men's role in the usual view was "completely unexpected" for Dench, and she even joked that her character probably transgender. True, I did not go into details, where does cats have access to hormone therapy and when it is the old soundonomy that changed the floor.

To see how actress managed to cope with the role that she dreamed of many years, it will be possible at the beginning of next year. "Cats" start in cinemas on January 2.

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