Aleka Baldwin arrested because of a fight for a parking space


Eyewitnesses argue that Alec Baldwin did not want to share a parking space near his house with an unknown man and joined him in a cross-shock. When he came out of the car, the actor hit him. The New York police detained Baldwin and delivered it to the site, and the victim fell into the hospital. The actors quickly released home, but the investigation was not over. On November 26, he will have to come to a court session and answer his misconduct.

Baldwin himself denies his guilt in every possible way. That's what he wrote about the incident in his Twitter: "Usually I would not comment on something so roughly distorted as this story. However, the statement that I hit someone because of the parking space, falsely. " According to the actor, he realized that the accusations of people in offenses became something like sports.

Suddenly, the Donald Trump decided to support Alec Baldwin for many, whom the actor parodied many times. The president informed pretty concisely: "I wish him good luck." Good luck will certainly need Baldwin, because it is not the first time noticed in such a scandalous incident. Earlier, the actor has already attacked photographers and journalists in 1995, 2013 and 2014.

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