The star "Mandalortz" called "Skywalker. Sunrise "The worst movie in the series


The ninth episode of "Star Wars", which started in cinemas last Thursday, became one of the most anticipated Prime Ministers. Fans of the whole world cherished the hope of a decent completion of the saga, which was doubly desirable after the failed feedback on the "last Jedi". But it seems that Jay Jay Abramse repeated the fate of his predecessor Ryan Johnson - the first reviews on Skywalker. Sunrise "leave to desire the best.

The star

Moreover, the film hated even those actors who are directly related to the story about Jedi. Not all of them decided to sharp statements, but the Jake Cannavalt, who played in the "Mandalorter" Toro Clichan, did not hold back in expressions.

The star

The actor published in his Instagram account of Storiz, in which he noted that he was as part of the "Star Wars," probably did not stick to a bad response about the ninth episode, and still directly wrote that "Skywalker. Sunrise "-" Without options, the worst movie "of the Universe. Also, Cannalval called the tape "Absolute Dolban Diva" and stated that she met the last trilogy. But at this actor did not stop. Apparently, his outrage was so great that later he also noted that his participation in the ninth episode would be extremely upset.

By the way, the cool attitude of critics for the film was reflected in the fees. For example, in China, which is considered one of the leaders in the consumption of cineural innovations, the tape started not so successfully as other parts of the trilogy.

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