The author of Harry Potter Joan Rowling became the highest paid writer 2019


The publication once again amounted to the rating of highly paid writers of the world and analyzed how many more creations brought them.

The first line in the list was taken by Joan Rowling. From June 2018 to June 2019, the writer earned $ 92 million (before taxes). Recently, the main income of Rowling brought the play "Harry Potter and the damned child", which was put in the Broadway Theater.

The author of Harry Potter Joan Rowling became the highest paid writer 2019 27254_1

For the first week, the sale of tickets brought Joan $ 2.3 million, which is considered to be a record for a non-linking in Broadway history. The play came out in a printed form in the amount of 2.8 million copies, which were successfully sold out. However, this is the first and last play on Harry Potter, as Rowling stated that the plays would no longer write. Also, the author received eight-digit amounts from thematic parks and a new film.

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The second line of the rating was taken by James Patterson, the author of the book "President was missing", written in co-authorship with Bill Clinton. For the year, Patterson earned $ 70 million. This year he was recognized as the richest writer in America. In third place is Michel Obama, which earned about $ 36 million, which she brought memoirs "BECOMING. My story "and a tour of 10 cities.

The author of Harry Potter Joan Rowling became the highest paid writer 2019 27254_3

Jeff Kinny took fourth place, the author of the books "Lambia's diary", with an income of $ 20 million. The fifth position went to Stephen King, which earned $ 17 million for the year.

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