Results 2019 according to PopcornNews: the most stylish celebrity woman


Success Chopra

Increased attention to the actress was riveted for almost the entire 2019, from the same time, as in December of the past, she celebrated a wedding with Nick Jonas for several weeks, showing us a whole parade of all kinds of outfits. In 2019, the pleasant continued to prove his impeccable and at the same time the distinguished taste - then removing in the eccentric images for the spouse of Nika Jonas Sucker, then decorating the cover of Vogue, then defiling on the red tracks (the appearance of the married couple Chopra Jonas at the Cannes Film Festival became one of the most his events discussed).

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Ultimately, People's magazine took the first line of its rating the most stylishly dressed celebrities. Moreover, for the first time in the entire history of the list of the list, the first place was divided into two, the company actress was her husband Nick Jonas. In September, the reputable edition of the Vanity Fair also called one of the most stylish styles of the actress.

Celine Dion

Second place in the already mentioned rating of the most stylishly dressed stars People took the unconditional owner of the title of the most eccentric style of the year (yes, Lady Gaga lost his position for a very long time). Celine Dion is not that it can boast an impeccable taste, but it is impossible to deny that almost every image for the appearance on the red carpet (and just in public) at least attracts attention and is remembered by its unusual. Yes, and for gloss Selin sometimes trying such images that it is quite difficult to know it.

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The 51-year-old singer herself for the criticism of those who do not like such a radical transformation, does not react in any way, and sharp changes in an interview with CR Fashion Book explains this:

I am looking for clothes that makes me feel sexual and cruel, sharp and glamorous, cheerful, etc. I'm crazy about clothes. She helps me express yourself, create an image, a separate character who can make my performance brighter.

Lady Gaga

No more dresses and "boots" from meat - now Lady Gaga prefers diamonds for 30 million dollars (in which they shone on the Red Track and the Oscar Scene at the beginning of this year).

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If you still remember Gaga as the Queen of Eccentric Podatage, it's time to stop doing it once and for all - in 2019 the singer without tired of reminded us that "matured" and changed the style to a much more discreet, feminine, but no less bright. This stylish transformation of Gaga is more than actively - for example, removing in advertising campaigns for its own cosmetic brand HausLabs.

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Periodically, however, the system "Feat", and Gaga pleases us with the return "to roots" another extravagant way:

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But this Met Gala is here, objectively, it was possible:

Публикация от Lady Gaga (@ladygaga)

Fashion-gloss Gaga loves still, regardless of changes in her wardrobe, and Time did not forget to include the singer on the list of the most influential persons in the 2019 entertainment industry.

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The Icon of the Empty Generation Style, the "Man-Spider" star demonstrated an impeccable taste even during the promotion of the "return home" when each way to the red carpet was a role model. Zendai has not lost its positions: released another collection for Tommy Hilfiger, decorated the cover of the June Vogue, became the "woman of the year" according to GQ Men of the Year Awards - and again pleased the fans of a whole series of steep images on the premieres of "Spider Man: Away from home".

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Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer, which for the fifth time this year has fallen into the rating of the most stylishly dressed stars according to People, in the coming months it will repeatedly delight us with the appearance on the red tracks (possibly "Oscar" including). The fact is that Jennifer became the head of the "strippers", where she acted as one of the key actresses and producer - the picture won such a warm welcome from critics that Jay Lo was already nominated for the "Golden Globe", and this According to experts, not the limit.

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In the meantime, waiting for the premium season, Jennifer after 19 years old repeated his unforgettable image with Grammy 2000 - and again tried out the dress with a stunning neckline to display Versace.

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