Do not live to christmas? Friends are afraid of "rapidly spidaling" Johnny Depp


Johnny Depp has never been a "painka", but recently information that actor lost control of himself is increasingly. Western media, referring to insiders, report that Johnny began to abuse alcohol as never before. Now he allows himself to come to the carpet track, and its guards periodically "catch" barely standing on the actor's legs.

Do not live to christmas? Friends are afraid of

However, knowing the latest events in the life of Johnny, few people will surprise his drunkenness. Now Depp is "new circles of hell," is right with his former Amber Herd. Recently it turned out that her father threatened to shoot Johnny (though he said it when he was drunk himself). Amber accused the actor that he bribed all the witnesses who could confirm the fact of home violence over Herd. But the lawyer Johnny is confident that the Ember is just trying to outstand "more money" from him.

1992 year

Against the background of disassembly with the former from Depp, a new beloved was gone, Russian dancer Polina Glen. She moved to Depp's house and lived on two countries. Johnny wanted to marry Polina and was even going to ask her hands from her parents. According to Insider from the environment of Glen, she was tired of high attention due to Depp scandals with Amber Herd. She could not stand and left the actor. Now she remembers the idea of ​​marriage with Depp with horror and considers it a complete madness, insider told.

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