"Ural Pelmeni" commented on the care of Yulia Mikhalkova: "I thought more, like hair lying"


According to the artist, she would like to expand their role and try to play dramatic roles. In addition, 36-year-old Mikhalkov is tired of the image of sexual fool, which mercilessly exploited her colleagues.

As it turned out, other participants in the Ural Pelmeni did not regret at all that the actress left a popular comedic project. Julia has long become distanced to the team, preferring to concentrate on his beloved, and not on jokes.

Roman Postovalov said that Mikhalkov's main problem was that she could not laugh at himself.

She in priority is not humor, but appearance. She thinks more how hair is lying like nails shine,

- I spaciously noticed the artist. Postovalov also added that other girls from the Ural Pelmeni - Ksenia Kornev and Ilan Yuryev - perfectly cope with the task of cheering the public, while remaining very nice.

After the departure of Yulia, the devotees of the humorous show were a bit strained: Last year, Andrei Rozhkov and Vyacheslav Butchers were sent to free swimming, in this - Mikhalkov ... Really "Ural Pelmeni" will soon cease their existence? However, Sergey Isaev categorically denied similar rumors.

No farewell tour in the coming years is planned!

- officially stated the artist in his microblog.

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