Actress from "Star Wars" had to visit a psychologist after the fans


Franchise "Star Wars" boasts one of the largest and cohesive fandoms in the world, but, as it turned out, it also has its own minuses. For example, when the film Ryan Johnson's "Recent Jedi" collided with the furious critics of fans, as a result, everything led to the fact that Kelly Marie Tren, who played Rose Tiko, was forced to retire from social networks. The actress simply could not stand the etching.

Actress from

On the eve of the exit to the screens of "Star Wars: Skywalker. The sunrise "Tran visited the show" Good morning, America "and described in more detail about the oppression from the fans. It turned out that the actress was forced to seek help to a psychologist and pass the therapy, but the reason for this was not only negative reviews about the "last Jedii".

Actress from

Actress from

Kelly admitted that the jump from the actress, which is interrupted by random earnings, to the ascending star, the famous franchise has become a real emotional shock for her. And in the end it was just necessary to take a step back to exhale and reconcile with the costs of popularity.

By the way, in one of last year's interview, Ten told that she took comments of fans too close to the heart and believed that their hatred was directed to her. But now the actress realized that it was impossible to put their words above their own significance, and coped with fear.

Already soon the character Kelly can be seen again on the big screen. "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "starts in cinemas on December 16.

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