To plastics and glory: like the stars "House 2" looked in childhood


This year, the project "House 2" turned 15 years old. All these years, the Table Fans of Realistic Show are watching how participants fall in love, quarrels, lie down, put together and even marry children. And let the "house 2" there are a lot of opponents, but interest in it does not weaken. Let's see how popular project participants looked in childhood and how fame and publicism affected them.

Olga Buzova

To plastics and glory: like the stars

Olga Buzova began as a participant of the teleproject and deserved unconditional love of realistic fans. After four years of participation in the "House 2" Olga was recognized as the best member of the project in the entire history of its existence. And not surprisingly, Olga is a bright and ambiguous person, her person is constantly in the spotlight, and its appearance - under the sight of cameras. Buzova has repeatedly declared that it is an ardent counterpart of plastic surgery. Indeed, before the divorce with Dmitry Tarasov, no changes pointing to the conduct of plastics were noticed. However, after parting with his spouse, which gave the star is very difficult, the fans noticed a number of changes in the appearance of the girl.

For example, Olga's lips have become slightly fluffy, cheekbones are clearer, and nasolabial folds are less pronounced. In all likelihood, the star resorted to the help of Botox and Philler. Evil languages ​​say that Olga made rhinoplasty, but the girl herself does not confirm. In any case, to any Olga procedures did not resort, these were always small and neat correctional procedures that went to her. And this is easy to see, just looking at her children's photos.

Marina Africantova

This cute plump "boy" in the photo, not anyone else, as the famous Marina Africantova is one of the most recognizable participants in the project "House 2". Come on the show in 2014, Marina immediately attracted the attention of young people with their bright appearance and beauty. Nevertheless, it did not help Marina to build love. From a constant stress, the girl began with health problems, she recovered by 20 kg and eventually left the project. No one expected her return. However, Marina surprised everyone, returned to the show radically changed. Marina has lost weight and kept so much that the girl was immediately suspected of liposuction and rhinoplasty. Marina itself refutes these rumors, stating that the only procedure to which she resorted is an increase in lips. And the girl explains its wonderful transformation with a hard diet and regular training.

Alexandra Artemova

Alexandra assures that he never used the services of plastic surgeons. Even in modern chubby lips Sasha explains heredity and angry when she hints at Haluronka. But, if the chubby sponges of the girl are really noticeable in early photos, then in the rhinoplasty, the fans are almost no doubt. The nose Alexandra became clearly careful than more young photos. So, the operation was more likely, while very successful.

Tigran Salibekov

A slender boy from children's photos has become a real handsome, for the spell of which a lot of girls got. This "hot south guy" himself admitted that he was a desperate womanist and did often act with the girls not too decently. But it was at the TV project Tigran who met Julia Kolisnichenko, who later became his wife. And, although the marriage was "on the fallow", it did not prevent a pair to create a strong family. After the wedding, Tigran and Julia left the project, correctly judged that family life should not pass under the sight of the TV game. The guys will grow up three sons and they are recognized as one of the most stronger Couples Realistic Show.

Alena Vodonaeva

One of the most famous participants of the TV project. Having come to the show, Alena immediately aroused the interest of the audience with their extraordinary behavior and spectacular appearance. Children's photos of Alena are the best confirmation that the beauty of the girl got from nature. The girl does not confirm the plastic intervention, but by rumors Alena first increased, and then again reduced the chest, pumped her lips and emphasized the cheekbones, removing the lumps of Bisha.

Alexey Samsov

At the Alexei project, Garry Potter died for the similarity of a young man with Daniel Radcliffe. In addition to the external appeal, Alexey is an active supporter of a healthy lifestyle and a very diverse personality: according to the formation of Alexei Mathematics, before coming to the reality show, he worked as a sommelier and parallel developed his own real estate business.

Olga Rapunzel

The girl categorically refuses to confirm the fact of the intervention of plastic surgeons into its appearance. Olga is proud of natural beauty and long luxurious hair, which served as its pseudonym. However, they say that the girl made mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, and also increased her lips. Judging by the past photos of Oli, it really looks like the truth. At the same time, it should be noted that with plastic Rapunzel did not overdo it, sowing to preserve naturalness and emphasize natural beauty.

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko

Being a participant of a realistic show, Catherine did not resort to the help of plastic surgeons, except that he had slightly increased her lips. Leaving the show, the girl decided to engage in self-improvement. Katya made an increase in breast enlargement and made lipophiling (transplanting its own adipose tissue from one zone to another) buttocks. The girl never hidden the fact of medical intervention in his appearance, on the contrary, was eagerly shared with details with subscribers. In the future, Catherine also told truthfully about his rhinoplasty and even laid out photographs in social networks, made immediately after the operation.

Maria Kokhno

Bright blonde became famous for the show with his booty. Maria loves to attract attention not only to causing behavior, but also by eye out. In the account of Mary not one plastic surgery. The girl increased her lips and chest, changed the shape of the nose and emphasized the cheekbones. Unfortunately, the results of these numerous interventions leave to desire the best. The appearance of the girl became unnatural and even a bit of vulgar.

Joseph Oganesyan

The big-eyed boy from the photo has grown in an attractive guy who, however, on the project chose himself a couple of girl not the most model appearance. Joseph admitted that the charismatic personality of the girl attracted in Sasha black. And in general, it is attracted not to thin beauties, but ladies with magnificent forms. Against the background of his beloved Joseph looks even more thin and some fans even advised the guy to recover. And, judging by the early photo, Johnif's youthfulness really was to face.

Alexandra Cherno.

Judging by the children's photo, the elect Joseph of Oganen was inclined from childhood to completeness. On the project, the girl fucking and recovered, and also experimented with hair and appearance. The girl never specially completed because of his completeness and assisted that he did not resort to the help of plastic surgeons. However, this summer, when the weight of the girl reached 140 kg, Sasha nevertheless decided to sit on the diet. Despite the fact that Joseph assured the girl that she loves her as she was, Sasha was unshakable and she managed to lose a couple of dozen kilograms. And recently, the fans of the pair were delighted with the news about pregnancy Alexandra. So while the girl will have to forget about diets.

Aliana Ustinenko

On the show, the girl immediately attracted the attention of bright appearance and behavior on the verge of permitted. Aliana's plastic surgery never hid, laying out their own portraits in the scents and pockets. Aliana conducted rhinoplasty by correcting the hubber on the nose. The operation was successful and the appearance of the girl really changed for the better. And after childbirth and feeding the son Aliana restored the shape and elasticity of the chest. The girl also led weight to normal, dropping about 25 kg on a strict diet, which she still adheres.

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